Monday, December 6, 2010

Ideas from Nature

Ardent admirers of Mother Nature are naïve in some ways. For them, all developments made by homo sapiens have their roots in nature, be it discoveries, inventions, artistic form of expressions like dances, music and so on, sciences and technologies including. At first glance, many examples which readily come to mind appear to strengthen such a view.

Beaver must have given the ideas to build dams; birds must have hardened the human dreams to fly and fish for swimming; fire flies gave idea for lights; serpents and jackals have become a basis to start a class of unique people called politicians; peacock must have given inspiration for dance and some other birds for singing; brilliant scenery made him to capture it on canvas. Bees and ants must have given ideas of forming social systems. Several living creatures must have given early teachings on collective living to human beings. Some birds have given ideas to migrate to other continents. Apple is known to have played a major role in understanding gravity. Bird nests might have given ideas to build early homes; squirrels have given the ideas of warehouses for food storage and rodents gave ideas for tunnels. Examples galore.

Such views look like an expression of rhapsody on nature. That, by no means implies that man had not made any original contributions on his own without leaning on nature for inspiration or catalysts for ideas. Far from it. For instance, the entire technology of spiraling prices is brilliantly conceived by human mind. Many a nation have thrived on early use of such technologies and flourished and many other doomed as well due to consequent runaway inflations and associated manmade disasters. It is worthy to note that one technology derived inspiration from this man-made one and develops space vehicles that go faster than the escape velocity of planets is space technology!

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