Friday, March 5, 2010

Thief Toddler

Have a glimpse at the news item:

Kanpur police and KESCO deserve to be congratulated for booking two-and-half-year old kid for power theft. Such criminal tendencies at such a tender age need to be nipped in the bud else they will reach dangerous proportions as one grows and might even surpass all our politicians, babus, contractors, businessman et. al.

If a child of that age steals cookies or another child’s toy; he may be left with a reprimand. However, stealing power, which is in such short supply in the country and to a large extent centralized needs to be viewed seriously. Police should pursue the FIR lodged and judiciary system should wake up and award a punishment, which becomes a deterrent to all other toddlers.


  1. mirror mirror on the wall who is the goofiest of them all?

  2. The police of course :)
    Apt illustration tarantula
