Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Bharat Eshwar" Award

There is clearly an urgent need to institute an award higher than Bharat Ratna; more so since there is already one deserving person. Long after the independence, India has upgraded the highest rank of officers in Army, Navy and Air Force. India has bestowed 5-star general lifetime Field Marshal rank to three army officers. Across the country, senior police officer’s ranks are upgraded, left right and center.

Why is that we have not upgraded the Padma award system and still Bharat Ratna being the highest civilian award? Clearly sufficient thought process has not gone into the making of these awards by our politicians and Babus.

In the meantime one cricketer, who is incarnation of God, is waiting for 20 long years without Bharat Ratna. Now it is too late. Awarding Bharat Ratna to him belatedly at this stage and making him the youngest Bharat Ratna awardee is unjust and insulting him, to say the least. There are 1.15 billion Indians now who agree that he deserves much higher recognition. What can that be? It should be something befitting his stature. Tarantula recommends that Indian govt. should institute an award, say Bharat Eshwar (readers can suggest better sounding title – only thing they need to keep in mind is that it should mean God, rightly so, and be secular at the same time), which should be higher than Bharat Ratna and our cricketing God should be the first recipient, without any further procrastination.


  1. Man you are acerbic aren't you? why do you grudge the cricketing great? there is a time for everyone to acknowledge skill,genuineness etc in people.
    Naming yourself 'tarantula' has robbed you of the feeling of admiration I think..

  2. This refers to Neela's comment. There is nothing wrong in according any award to someone who has contributed to some field. But why confine it to some narrow area and go gung ho about it? There are several unsung heroes in various fields like music, literature and several other fields where people have done extraordinary service.For example just the other day a musician said that he has performed more than 15000 concerts in more than 70 countries at prestigious places( not road side!) which were attended and appreciated by the who is who of the field there.There are many many more examples in various other fields of science,technology etc... Why are people blind to such achievements and think that India is cricket and cricket is India when in fact it is not even the national sport and besides there are only ten countries in the world who play the game at some respectable level. There are fields which are well spread and I only wish people awake to them as well.

  3. Why is the nation cricket crazy? this is an oft asked question.
    Because it has brought fame
    Because it has brought in money
    Because the great cricketer referred to in the write up has brilliant skill,rewritten records,naturally just and patriotic and has caught the imagination of so many people who want to exult in reveling in his records
    This does not in anyway downsize other greats surely.
    All the best to great intellectuals of this nation
