Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Multiple Choice Questions

Soon after taking charge of HRD ministry, Kapil Sibal started seriously thinking: why, not all students are performing well in the examinations? He wanted to form a committee to go into the matter and come up with solutions within 100 days. He could not entrust it to academicians as they are not trust worthy for such an important task and besides there is always a fair chance that it is the academia, which is responsible. If such is the case, according to his HLS trained brilliant legal mind, truth will never come out and the very objective of forming a committee of academicians to investigate the faults of the system, to which they are a party, get vitiated. Hence he formed a committee comprising of all party parliamentarians to come up with recommendations.

Members have laboriously studied various types of question papers since 1947 pertaining to all types of examinations held in India. They have noted two startling lacunae in the examination systems in India. Being very responsible persons, they refrained from blame game; more so because some party or other was in power in some state or the other at one point or another. Hence, they have recommended that the examination system needs an urgent and thorough overhaul. HRD minister, who is impressed, requested the same committee to recommend a new system. However, the members hesitantly accepted the additional responsibilities with a clear understanding that such a task needs some more time and they shall endeavor to complete the assignment within additional 100 days.

In order to understand and appreciate the forthcoming changes, it is only fair that one should understand the observations of the committee first. They are as follows: (a) none of the regular question papers ever carried the answers: how can a student answer a question when no answer is given? (b) all the multiple choice questions, which have mostly carried four options, found to contain only one right answer as against all the remaining ones being wrong! Committee felt that this is a blatant way of misleading the already misguided youth and such a form of question papers should cease with immediate effect. They wanted a silent revolution in the Examination System of India.

After long deliberations, they have come up with a uniform system of examinations, for all purposes, across the length and breadth of the country. Have a glimpse of the model question paper under recommendation by the committee, which is expected to provide equal opportunity to score for all strata of society:

Q. When did India get independence from British Rule?

Answer: (A) On 15th August 1947 (B) One Day after 14th August 1947 (C) One Day before 16th August 1947 (D) All the above.

Q. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is:

Answer: (A) Daughter-in-law of Amitabh Bachchan (B) Wife of Abhishek Bachchan (C) Miss World in 1994 (D) All the Above.

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