Saturday, October 31, 2009

Brief History of Murder and Morals

This is not a sequel to any works of Stephen Hawking or Bertrand Russell. With due apologies to Toynbee, the entire human history can be aptly sub-divided into few major chapters based on the progress it has made in the area of morality of murder.

- To start with, there was a period when the concept of murder was unknown
- The concept slowly took shape in the minds of people and they were afraid that entertaining a mere thought of murder is as heinous as the murder itself
- People have started committing murders here and there but were soon feeling remorse and used to plead guilty
- People have started committing murders on larger scale without feeling any remorse; invent ways and means of escaping punishment. The feudal lords of pre-independence era, if it is inevitable, used to bestow the privilege of surrendering on one of their trusted servants or someone innocent in exchange of taking care of their family for rest of the life. A proxy used to take the punishment.
- People started committing murders with impunity and use sophisticated techniques to erase all evidence.
- People started committing murders and implicate the innocent (two birds at one shot technique)
- People started outsourcing murders so that they are free to focus on their core competence areas.
- The Corporate Sector started making foray (ex: Bhopal); administrators are busy picking up dollars strewn all over for decades and forget all about the murderers and the victims.
- Gradual nationalization is taking place – (ex: state governments have started murdering people by supplying so called drinking water with abundant E.coli enough to kill few hundred people in few days flat by way of cholera. They maintain fictitious records as though the water is treated and tested before supplying.
- National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) indulging in mass genocide in style; by way of not warning the people and ordering evacuation in time to save at least some souls during floods.

Murders committed by Nations in other nations are traditionally called wars and hence fall outside the purview of the present discussion. Similarly, causing extinction of other species, the global murders and attempts to exterminate human race in next few decades by not caring for the environment is a separate subject on its own.

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