Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is not a Fake?

As per RBI, some of the currency in circulation in the denominations of Rs. 1,000 and 500 are fake and they are called counterfeit.

The stamp paper you buy for registering a property or for some legal purpose may also be a fake.

The Nobel Prize medal of Tagore kept in a museum got stolen and the one displayed is a replacement.

The boundaries of mines owned by mining magnets, on their own, get extended.

The boundaries of nations are disputed.

Someone who poses as CBI or ACB or police official is an impostor.

Diplomat with IFS tag could be a spy.

The certificates produced by politicians, prospective govt. employees and students indicate caste depending on the reservation made against it. The reason why some politicians are against 33% reservation for women is that it is somewhat more difficult, but not entirely impossible, to fake their sex.

University selling a degree may be non-existing, apart from being a doomed one.

Most of the beggars are not poor. They beg since it is an easy way out.

The infants carried by begging women are not theirs; they are hired at the current ruling rates of Rs. 125 to 175 per day. Their working day may have fewer working hours; perhaps till the next feed time of the infant.

Lady giving birth to a child of some other biological couple is a surrogate mother.

The medicines you buy might have expired and got relabeled; and with a good probability, may also be fake and they are known as spurious.

The doctor you visit may be armed with a degree and registration certificate purchased at a street corner in Bangalore and practicing illegally.

The weights used by vendors are not certified for correct weight (they are manufactured with a lesser weight so that govt. authorities can add suitable quantity of lead and certify for the correct weight with their seal); they are underweight and the liquid measures will have dents!

The meters in autos and taxis, including the electronic ones, display excess fare and they are tampered.

The meters in Petrol bunks read higher liters and rupees and they are also tampered apart from the fact that the Petrol is adulterated.

The tickets sold outside a cinema hall have a color called black.

The people encircling you near Regional Passport Office / Regional Transport Office or a monument are not employees or guides; they are touts.

Person selling you a plot of land may not be its owner.

For a failed internet based transaction, you may get back refund of transaction value in due course abut not the tax, service charge and the cess paid on the transaction value. Shall we call it a tax on non-transaction?

The news of police encounters with terrorists or military with enemies you read in papers are well articulated.

The goods you buy in Parry’s Corner is smuggled.

The Rolex you may dare to buy could be a replica.

In this world full of fakes, we should be happy that our politicians are genuine.

Last but not the least; the name of your blogger is not Tarantula. It is only his pseudonym!


  1. The last line is what I wanted to say and now you leave nothing to the commenter!!!

  2. Your Tarantula endeavors to be truthful to himself, at least!
