In order to supplement these governmental efforts, private sector has come up with innovative new industries to provide ample employment opportunities. For instance, in Jammu and Kashmir we have a highly organized, efficient and well established stone-pelting industry. All the registered members of this industry get daily opportunities to earn their daily bread/wages by discharging their stone-pelting responsibilities. In addition, they can take home some of their loot as bonuses.

While JK has pioneered such a lucrative and flourishing industry, how can Andhra Pradesh remain second best? Nope, it is not acceptable. It is against the dignity and self respect of Telangandhra people. Note that your tarantula is against digressing from the main topic of innovative employment into split-vs-united-politics now. They have caught on to the stone-pelting industry idea; they have worked overtime on forward and backward integration by establishing related industries. Consequently, we have several downstream and upstream industries all providing multiple employment opportunities to Telangandhras.

We have bus-burning-industry, damage-public/private-property industry, bandh-industry, rail-roko industry, garjana-industry, disrupt-academic-year industry, rasta-roko industry, chalo-assembly industry, chalo-parliament industry, immolation industry (for Telangana as well as United Andhra cause) and die-of-heart-attack-on-hearing-about-the-death-of-a-politician industry and so on. It is clear that these industries need different skill sets. All these industries promise faster development, government jobs (with inherent perks) while some guarantee instant fame-by-flame (by media coverage), martyr status and promise pension to family under martyr-pension-scheme in future. These are new and perennial industries unlike the existing industries like poll-campaign industry, (bogus)-vote-casting-industry and poll-meeting-industry etc. which are only seasonal. It is well known that Maoists have developed and established cottage industries for rail-track-blowing and train-driver-abducting and so on.

Some analysts have noted that these industries are developing so fast, that soon these industries will end up with severe shortage of people, even after opening up new vistas like: one-person multiple jobs; children and women can participate (child labor act may be repealed); no retirement age and so on.
Our FM is going to bring all these neo-employees under tax net to improve government revenues and some informants from North Block say that he will decide before the union budget whether to treat their income, for tax purposes, as salary or service.
very cool. be it salary or service these neo employees are acceptable to the general public, that is why all the above are thriving.
ReplyDeleteif it is salary then G may get tax
if it is service then the G gets TDS 10.3%
I hope you will write about their skill sets too. For example 'die of heart attack on hearing about the death of a polictician' requires a) weak heart b)prone to shocks c)loves high cholesterol diet etc
To aid continuity of employment for those who are involved in bogus voting poll cmpaigns poll captures and all allied industries some elected representatives have chosen a novel plan. They resign from their elected posts and then again contest from the same constituency thus giving continuity to his employees in the above and allied industries. There are other methods for other periodical jobs to make them more continuous if not permanent.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with your views. Even if I touch upon only few such avenues, this will become a magnum opus worthy of Ph.D. rather than a blog post...