Sunday, November 8, 2009

Place of Living

During early ‘70s, I held strong views on issue of brain-drain and people leaving India for greener pastures - admittedly, influenced by peer-level views and also, to an extent by a movement which had started off in late ‘60s (not the Hippie culture of early ‘60s) which had some influence on the minds of people at impressionable age. It was conscious decision on my part, rightly or wrongly, to stay back in India despite better opportunities available in the outside world. While I am not the habit of wasting much time regretting/rejoicing the past, I do feel that I am not justified in expecting the same from the next generation.

The choice of a place to live is very personal. At least the right thinking ones make a choice of where to live based on numerous factors - not just on emotional factors or attachment to country of birth or family roots or some other personal reasons that clip their wings of freedom. Some critical point could be whether the society one elects to live in will accept him/her or not; give opportunities to demonstrate capabilities and lead a respectful life like the person next door, provide a space to grow and so on. In addition, one takes a decision based on the level of confidence in his/her ability to make adjustments necessary to bond with the society of his choice to live in harmony. Not everyone is blessed with such a freedom of choice but some of those who have it, will think aloud and exercise. Migrations have happened since time immemorial, are happening now and will happen tomorrow and day after. The history of migration of living species is much older than the entire human history! Now that availability of water on Moon is established, people will start going to Moon for shorter durations, much earlier than expected. Once the other inhabitable places are identified, some explorers will start migrating to other planets in not too distant a future. Nothing stops the human spirit to explore. Obviously all the seven billion do not dare, it starts with a first one like Columbus or Hillary or Gagarin or Armstrong…

My India is Great, undoubtedly. Am I not equally correct in saying: My Mother Earth is Great? Tomorrow, coming generations will call it a narrow view and might say My Universe is Great. Perceptions vary with time and space.


  1. George Bernard Shaw Quotes. You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.
